We dedicate our wisdom and experience toward helping clients make great decisions about their financial intricacies and opportunities.
Who We Serve
Our passion is working with people who have complex lives to help them articulate and refine their long-term vision and strategize solutions. We also provide expert guidance and hands-on help to transform that vision into reality.
The first stumbling block for many people is a lack of time. If you find the time, you may become overwhelmed with the options. You might clear the first hurdle or two, only to encounter four new choices and two of those seem equally right. Decision friction.
In the game of chess, if you don’t control your center and increase its power, you move away from the goal rather than toward it. You’ll find out pretty quickly if your moves are effective. But when it comes to financial planning, it can take years to discover the damage from wrong moves. An experienced advisor can help you avoid checkmate and prosper.
We help you make optimal financial decisions so that you have fewer uncertainties.
"I'm new at this"
Welcome to a time of abundant opportunities! When they are properly identified and deployed, it can make all the difference as you move through life’s chapters (career, family, leisure, community, and, eventually, aging).
"Life changed. A lot."
Starting Over – If what you were doing isn’t working, we can help you hit the reset button and establish a new game plan.
Early retirement offer – A lot is riding on your decision. Are you being offered a great opportunity or a financial disaster?
Widow – There is no life experience quite like this one. Our company’s founder has the personal experience and the professional expertise to help you navigate your changed life.
Divorce – Optimal settlements provide the most flexibility. We help clients recognize opportunities and identify potential traps. We prepare short-term and long-term projections that account for cash flow, taxes and asset composition.
Inheritance – Our clients who have received inheritances usually express an understanding that it represents the monetary balance of someone’s life’s work and want to be good stewards, often utilizing it to solidify their financial plan progress or fund endeavors of significance.
"This isn’t my gift, help me understand and make good decisions"
Everyone has gifts and talents. We cannot do what you do and it’s ok that you don’t feel comfortable doing what we do. That way we each have a venue for expressing our talents. We’re terrific teachers, enabling you to make good decisions with confidence.
"I'm doing ok, I think"
Are you looking for confirmation that you are on track? Or help refining a plan that you’ve already roughed out? Or concerned you might be making missteps without enough time to recover before retirement? We can help with those questions and offer many more you may not have thought to address.
"I’m on overload and need a personal CFO"
Clients who utilize this service are absorbed in their own profession or career. Time is scarce for financial tasks. In these situations we create financial plans, investment plans and task plans. On an ongoing basis we execute your decisions, track the details and report results to you.
If you need a financial plan but feel overwhelmed by all the tasks and time involved in creating, executing and maintaining one, we can help. For over 20 years we have dedicated our wisdom and experience toward helping clients make great decisions about their financial intricacies.
We continually invest in leading edge technology to make the data gathering process efficient and the finished plan experience inviting and enlightening.
If financial subjects don’t come naturally for you, that’s ok. We are patient and effective coaches.
We tailor our services to your needs and preferences which may include any or all of the following:
Financial Planning
We help you discover your optimal path, navigate change, achieve and sustain financial independence, support your values and plan your legacy.
Financial Planning
We help you discover your optimal path, navigate change, achieve and sustain financial independence, support your values and plan your legacy.
Investment Management
We believe in asset allocation and market efficiency. We reject the fallacy of market timing. We construct and manage portfolios that accommodate your time horizon and risk tolerance, and that are low-turnover, cost effective and tax efficient.
Investment Management
We believe in asset allocation and market efficiency. We reject the fallacy of market timing. We construct and manage portfolios that accommodate your time horizon and risk tolerance, and that are low-turnover, cost effective and tax efficient.
Tax Planning
CPAs bring an exceptional layer of value to the planning, analysis and management process. Every step of the way we take taxes into account and help you traverse the complexity.
Tax Planning
CPAs bring an exceptional layer of value to the planning, analysis and management process. Every step of the way we take taxes into account and help you traverse the complexity.
Are you ready to plan, persist and prosper?